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by SeaSkin Life

Beseaskin Seathermal [Hair Tonic]

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Seathermal thermal and marine water 100% organic and pure.
Hair regenerator and helps to oxygenate the root of the hair. Seathermal has PoxidonicOxigen®marisaqua as its active ingredient, an exclusive and unique active ingredient from SeaSkin Life, which fuses thermal water infused with a concentrated marine oil made from Posidonia Oceánica de Menorca, with multiple benefits of its mineral-medicinal properties. We highlight cellular nutrition thanks to natural marine antioxidants, the control of bacterial skin diseases, restores internal tissues and muscles, increases the absorption of magnesium, calcium, potassium and sulfates, and recharges mental physical energy thanks to the powerful electrolytic effect. .

HYDRO: Thermal water from the Balneario Real de Las Caldas de Oviedo and a PosidonicOxygen marine concentrate ®marisaqua from the island of Menorca.

RICH IN: Calcium Bicarbonate, Trace Elements, Magnesium, Serine, Potassium, Calcium, Marine Sulphates.

MOISTURIZER: Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas and PosidonicOxygen marine concentrate. ®marisaqua.

It's relaxing, helps with anxiety and stress.

Repairs and oxygenates the roots of the scalp.

No contiene fragancias o perfumes artificales, sin colorantes, ni concervantes artificiales. No parabenos, No Gmo, No Phthaletes, No siliconas, No BHT, animal friendly.

All skin types.

Spray on hair to form curls, you can also use it as a facial tonic after cleansing your face well or on very hot days as a skin refresher.

Liquid Texture. Being a thermal water, it has no smell or added perfumes.

Slow-aging / Empowering-body
Cosmética 100% orgánica e hipoalergénica
Fabricada íntegramente en España
Ingredientes activos puros
Respetuosa del medio ambiente
Sin adulterar, ni alteraer
D.O España

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Ritual Perfecto

After nourishing and detoxifying hair with this nourishing and whimsical blend of Meadow flowers and herbs, apply seathermal to hair to complete this magical and ceremonial ritual that will renew your hair.
Infuse Bebloom Meadow and let it rest. Apply the cold infusion without the flowers and herbs, and massage the scalp (5 min).

SeaSkin Shampoo [Revitalizing]
Envase de champú purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Menta, Romero e Hinojo sobre mesa rosa pastel
Envase pequeño de champú purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Menta, Romero e Hinojo sobre mesa blanca
SeaSkin Shampoo [Revitalizing] From €46,00
Beseaskin Bebloom Meadow [detox & renew]
Envase de infusión floral de Beseaskin, 100% orgánica a base de Jazmín y Caléndula con fondo gris.
Envase de vidrio con infusión floral de Beseaskin, 100% orgánica a base de Jazmín y Caléndula con fondo gris.
Beseaskin Bebloom Meadow [detox & renew] €45,00

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