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by SeaSkin Life

Beseaskin Seawave BodyScrub Sweet Joy [Antiaging]

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Seawave Bodyscrub Sweet Joy is an exfoliating, ecological and natural body balm whose active ingredients 100% organic make it a powerful moisturizer, antioxidant, soothing, regenerating and rejuvenating. Emotionally it brings comfort, helps to disconnect the mind and relaxes mental and emotional tensions.


Grape Seed Oil: It can be used on all skin types, but it is very useful on dry and sensitive skin due to its highly moisturizing and protective power.
Sweet Almond Oil from Mallorca: Mild and hypoallergenic oil especially for sensitive skin.
Shea Butter: It is an excellent cell regenerator, deeply hydrates.
AE of Lavender: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, calming, relaxing and sedative. It helps to disconnect the mind and helps in meditation.
Rosewood AE:
Antibacterial, tonic, regenerating and firming. Relaxes mental and emotional tensions, drives away negative thoughts. Protects the physical and energetic immune system.

Thermal water of the Royal Spa of Caldas
Menorca Sea Salt

RICH IN: Calcium Bicarbonate, Trace Elements, Magnesium, Marine Sulphates, Potassium, Vitamins A, C, B, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Proteins and Fatty Acids.


Scrub: Sea Salt.
Moisturizing: Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas.
• Anti- inflammatory: Lavender essential oil.
Regenerating and firming: Rosewood essential oil.

Balance the mind. It brings harmony and serenity, relaxes and calms. Slightly aphrodisiac.

Cleanses the skin of impurities, powerful antioxidant with antiaging, rejuvenating and regenerating action.
Soothes, tones and provides intense hydration, elasticity and luminosity to the skin.

No contiene fragancias o perfumes artificales, sin colorantes, ni concervantes artificiales. No parabenos, No Gmo, No Phthaletes, No siliconas, No BHT, animal friendly.

All skin types, especially sensitive ones.

Apply Seawave Bodyscrub Sweet Joy evenly over the body with a brief massage so that the melting salts exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Remove excess with lukewarm water.

It has an oily texture. Its aroma is the perfect combination of its natural ingredients.

Slow-aging / Empowering-body
Cosmética 100% orgánica e hipoalergénica
Fabricada íntegramente en España
Ingredientes activos puros
Respetuosa del medio ambiente
Sin adulterar, ni alteraer
D.O España

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Ritual Perfecto

Perform the weekly cleansing ritual with SeaWave BodyScrub Sweet Joy in the shower or bath, feeling hydrated and purified skin. Then apply BeOil Sweet Joy with a brief massage and feel the freshness of the aromatherapy on your skin.

Beseaskin Beoil Sweet Joy [Antiaging]
Envase de aceite corporal antiaging de Beseaskin, 100% orgánico a base de Lavanda y Palo de Rosa con fondo de mármol.
Envase de aceite corporal antiaging de Beseaskin, 100% orgánico a base de Lavanda y Palo de Rosa con fondo de mármol.
Beseaskin Beoil Sweet Joy [Antiaging] €99,00
Drybrush Body Brush
Cepillo Corporal de madera de roble y pelo de crin de SeaSkin Life, 100% orgánico, con fondo blanco.
Mesa de madera con Cepillo Corporal y Cepillo Facial de SeaSkin Life, 100% orgánicos, a su lado, dos productos beoil de Beseaskin, un cuenco de madera y toallas de SeaSkin Life
Drybrush Body Brush €50,00

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