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Storytelling SeaSkin Life

SEASKIN LIFE - Ecoluxury Wellness
Ecosystem for a conscious, active & healthy lifestyle.
“Mediterranean modern Wellness”

SeaSkin Life is a global wellness concept, inspired by the Mediterranean, modern wellness and a slow and conscious lifestyle. Our purpose is to bring awareness to the daily care ritual, finding the balance that influences the radiant and healthy appearance of our skin.


The Natural Antiaging Revolution

SeaSkin Life products work natural antiaging through the synergy between natural active ingredients, vitamins C and E, vegetable Retinol and pure antioxidants, preventing premature aging naturally. Thanks to the "Cold Pressed" manufacturing and extraction process, the maximum number of enzymes and nutrients are preserved with a high percentage of absorption and effectiveness when applied to our skin. The active ingredients used are 100% organic and natural, mostly from organic or biodynamic crops of controlled wild collection.

Our formulas are the perfect synergy between Mediterranean essence, botanical wisdom, marine-thermal strength and vitality, the secrets of the hive and a deep knowledge of aromatherapy, as a catalyst for global well-being.

Posidonicoxigen®maris aqua, the exclusive purified active ingredient of SeaSkin Life

SeaSkin Life fuses the thermal mineral water of the Balneario de Las Caldas, infused with a concentrated marine oil of water from the Posidonia Oceánica de Menorca, to create its exclusive active ingredient. The mineral-medicinal properties and marine trace elements recover the mineral salts that the body loses through the skin, restoring splendor, elasticity and smoothness to the skin with a powerful renewing and antiaging effect.

We want to inspire you to lead an active, healthy and sustainable life, through the transformation of daily habits to find the rebalancing between body, mind and spirit.



#seaskinlife #MediterraneanModernWellness #mediterraneanessence #yoelijoseaskinlife #consciouscosmetics #biotechnology #ecocosmetics #slowlife #thinkgreen #beaware

#antiagingnatural #botanical wisdom #lapieldelmar #secretosdelacolmena #seaskinlifearomatherapy

# Posidonicoxigen®marisaqua #seathermal


Gendeless, functional, and effective biocosmetics with a marked Mediterranean, contemporary, slow and conscious spirit.

Connect with nature in its purest form.

The Beseaskin Collection is inspired by the aromatic nature of the Mediterranean, where the alchemy of Aromatherapy sublimates all its raw botanical power. Botanical, marine and beehive active ingredients.


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In Raw We believe.

Slowly macerated products, infused with the Mediterranean essence, prepared "Cold pressed" to keep the vital force of its ingredients intact. The objective is to support skin regeneration and control free radicals, through the synergy of ingredients, proteins, enzymes, Retinol and vitamins.

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.

Beseaskin cosmetics have a modern and holistic look towards body-mind-spirit care. Holistic medicinal wisdom in synergy with aromatherapy, to awaken the senses and enhance the self-healing of the skin.

Formulas and manufacturing

Pure Active Ingredients | Cold Pressed | Own Artisan Manufacturing | local producers

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sustainable and respectful

We are a cosmetic brand that respects the ecosystem and its natural resources. For your health and that of the planet

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I choose SeaSkin Life

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