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by SeaSkin Life

Happy Flowers Set

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Pack Bebloom Seathermal Floral Marine Water

4 floral mists: Geranium, Rose, Lavender and Neroli.

Discover the revitalizing power of sea and thermal water together with the botanical power of SeaSkin Life Floral Mists and feel the freshness on your skin.

Bebloom Seathermal Geranium : regulates oily skin and calms irritated or inflamed skin.

Bebloom Seathermal Neroli: for sensitive skin

Bebloom Seathermal Lavender: sensitive and irritated skin.

Rose hydrolate: dry and aged skin.


size: 100ml



Thermal water: of the Royal Spa of Caldas, Asturias.
Marine Concentrate PosidonicOxigen®maris aqua from Menorca.

Geranium Hydrolate: Especially effective for regulating oily skin and soothing irritated or inflamed skin.

Neroli hydrosol: It has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

Lavender Hydrolate: It is soothing and regenerating.

Rose hydrolate: antiaging effect, calms and refreshes.

RICH IN: Calcium Bicarbonate, Trace Elements, Magnesium, Serine, Potassium, Calcium and Marine Sulphates.



Moisturising: Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas and PosidonicOxigen®maris aqua marine concentrate.
Calming: Geranium hydrolate .
Regulator : Geranium Hydrolate .

Moisturising: Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas and PosidonicOxigen®maris aqua marine concentrate.
Regenerative : Geranium hydrolate .

Moisturising: Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas and PosidonicOxigen®maris aqua marine concentrate.
Soothing: Lavender Hydrolate.
Regenerant: Lavender Hydrolate.

Moisturising: Thermal Water from the Royal Spa of Las Caldas and PosidonicOxigen®maris aqua marine concentrate.
Calming and Antiaging: Rose Hydrolate.

Lavender is especially effective for treating nervous problems. Neroli helps to relax the nervous system and brings joy. Geranium provides security and eliminates tensions. Rosa lifts the spirits and fights nervous tension, depression and anxiety.

Depending on the floral Mist it has some benefits or others. Rosa Floral Mist is rejuvenating and illuminating. Neroli floral mist is cell regenerative and healing. Lavender floral mist is calming and balancing. Geranium floral mist is astringent and rebalancing.

No contiene fragancias o perfumes artificales, sin colorantes, ni concervantes artificiales. No parabenos, No Gmo, No Phthaletes, No siliconas, No BHT, animal friendly.

All skin types.

Spray Bebloom Seathermal a couple of times on the face and allow it to absorb.

Being a natural product without added perfumes, each floral mist will have the aroma of its hydrosol.

Slow-aging / Empowering-body
Cosmética 100% orgánica e hipoalergénica
Fabricada íntegramente en España
Ingredientes activos puros
Respetuosa del medio ambiente
Sin adulterar, ni alteraer
D.O España

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Ritual Perfecto

After performing the Double Cleansing Ritual with Seaskin Cleasing Oil Step 1 and SeaSkin Clear Lotion Step 2, deeply cleansing the skin of makeup and pollution, as well as removing dead cells, use the Bebloom Seathermal appropriate to the occasion and mood as skin tonic.

SeaSkin STEP 1 Eco-friendly cleaning fluid
Envase de fluido limpiador purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Caléndula, Hierbas de San Juan y Propóleos sobre mesa blanca
SeaSkin STEP 1 Eco-friendly cleaning fluid €174,00
SeaSkin STEP 2 Organic Cleansing Lotion
Envase de loción limpiadora purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Caléndula, Orquídea y Propóleos sobre mesa blanca
SeaSkin STEP 2 Organic Cleansing Lotion €174,00

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