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by SeaSkin Life

Beseaskin Seathermal Tonic [10 in 1]

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Seathermal facial and body toner 100% organic and natural with antioxidant action thanks to its active ingredients. Seathermal has PoxidonicOxigen®maris aqua as its active ingredient, an exclusive active ingredient of SeaSkin Life, which fuses Thermal Water infused with a concentrated marine oil of water from the Posidonia Oceánica de Menorca, with multiple benefits of its mineral -medicinal properties. We highlight cellular nutrition thanks to natural marine antioxidants, the control of bacterial skin diseases, restores tissues , increases the absorption of magnesium, calcium, potassium and sulfates, and recharges physical & mental energy thanks to the powerful electrolyte effect . Spray on the skin and you notice an immediate freshness.

size: 40ml / 100ml

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Thermal water from the Balneario Real de Las Caldas de Oviedo and a PosidonicOxygen marine concentrate. ®maris aqua from the island of Menorca.

10 in 1: Make-up remover, thermal water, micellar water, facial tonic, after sun, aura mist, after shave, double serum, make up fixative, alkalin refresh spray.

RICH IN: Calcium Bicarbonate, Trace Elements, Magnesium, Serine, Potassium, Calcium, Marine Sulphates.

It's relaxing, helps with anxiety and stress.

It is refreshing and hydrates the skin.

No contiene fragancias o perfumes artificales, sin colorantes, ni concervantes artificiales. No parabenos, No Gmo, No Phthaletes, No siliconas, No BHT, animal friendly.

All skin types.

Spray on face and/or body and let it absorb. Use on very hot days as a refresher and rehydrator for the skin.

When you do the spray you feel the skin moisturized. Being a thermal water it has no smell.

Slow-aging / Empowering-body
Cosmética 100% orgánica e hipoalergénica
Fabricada íntegramente en España
Ingredientes activos puros
Respetuosa del medio ambiente
Sin adulterar, ni alteraer
D.O España

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Ritual Perfecto

Use Seathermal as a facial toner to finish the SeaSkin Step 1 and Step 2 Double Cleansing Ritual.

SeaSkin STEP 1 Eco-friendly cleaning fluid
Envase de fluido limpiador purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Caléndula, Hierbas de San Juan y Propóleos sobre mesa blanca
SeaSkin STEP 1 Eco-friendly cleaning fluid €174,00
SeaSkin STEP 2 Organic Cleansing Lotion
Envase de loción limpiadora purificante de Seaskin, 100% orgánico con Caléndula, Orquídea y Propóleos sobre mesa blanca
SeaSkin STEP 2 Organic Cleansing Lotion €174,00

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